Birth Doula Package

The word support is one we use a lot. It is both a noun and a verb used to mean to hold up, help, approve of, to take care of and to provide for, to advocate and to defend. These definitions go some way to explaining what I am able to do for you.

My aim is to work with you in the way that will work best for you. I have developed various packages which you can read about here but I am equally happy to organise something more bespoke depending on what you feel would be most beneficial to you. I look forward to discussing this with you personally.

  • My service includes two in-person visits.

    I’ll be available for Whatsapp/text messaging from 8:00am to 8:00pm daily throughout your pregnancy after booking.

    I’ll also check in with you regularly in between our appointments by Whatsapp or text to see how you are and if you are in need of anything.

    I’m happy to attend any antenatal/ consultant/ scan appointments as part of your antenatal visits.

  • I’ll be on call ten days before your due date up to and including when you go into labour.

    I will attend your birth, once labour starts and you call me to come. I will stay with you until your baby is safely delivered and you are comfortable and happy for me to leave.

  • I’ll visit you once postnatally, to check you are settling with your new baby, establishing feeding, and looking after yourself.  We can discuss your birth, if you wish, and I will help signpost you to additional support should you need it.

    I can also offer extended postnatal care details are on the post natal pages of this site.

The total package is priced at £1850; 50% to be paid on booking and 50% at 32 weeks. Flexible arrangements can be made to pay in installments.

Additional face to face sessions can also be booked at a rate of £35 per hour and a bespoke package can always be arranged if you would like something more specific.