Postnatal Support

As a Postnatal Doula, I will help you in those first days and weeks of parenthood to find your feet and to grow in confidence. To listen over a cup of tea, put systems in place to enable you to rest, facilitate some self care for you and your partner, hold a baby…. or hold a parent.

I can help you with any of the following:

  • light housework

  • care of other children

  • walking a dog

  • shopping

  • preparing/cooking meals

  • making time for you to sleep, bathe or take care of yourself

  • reflecting on your birth experience, hold space for you to share your birth story with me

  • give you time to spend with your other children

  • support with feeding your baby and signpost you to local services and support groups

  • I can stay and support you for as long as you may need me. I will offer you reassurance and moral support as you develop your confidence and intuition in caring for your baby.

My charge for postnatal support is £35 per hour. Minimum 3 hours.

If a block of 14 sessions is booked, a 10% discount will be offered.