Overnight Postnatal Support

Some families need help at night and this is something I offer as a postnatal doula. You may be on your own or your partner may be away or you may simply need to catch up on some sleep. It can be invaluable for helping you to recover from birth and feeling able to cope with energetic toddlers the next day if this is not your first baby. I can ensure your baby is well looked after during the night to give you peace of mind.

If you are exclusively breastfeeding I can bring your baby to you and when a feed has finished you can sleep while I change and settle your baby back to sleep. If you are bottle feeding, I can prepare bottles, feed your baby, change and resettle them, allowing you to have some undisturbed sleep.

There are many options for you to consider depending on where you feel you need the help and support the most. I am able to help with the bedtime routine. Bathing the baby and getting it ready for bed. Giving the Mum some time to relax herself and enjoy dinner or her favourite TV programme in peace.

I'm happy to do some light jobs around the house for you to set you up for the day ahead such as filling and emptying the dishwasher, sterilising and making up the bottles, or putting on a load of washing. 

There are many reasons for parents wanting and needing night support.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch and find out more.

The price for an overnight support stay for 8 hours (10pm-6am) is £240